The Order of the Sith Lords

Name: Kol Nauz
Titles: Darth Solus; Sith Marauder; Sith Council Member; Sith Lord; Sith Assassin
Known Master(s): Jedi Master Raiden; Jedi Master Nion; Unknown Sith Lord
Known Apprentices: None
Age: Unknown
Birth Place: Coruscant
Birth: Unknown
Race: Human
Eye Color: Brown; Yellow ( Sith Effect )
Hair Color: Black; Bald ( Sith Effect )
Height: 6'3
Wieght: 245lbs
Affiliation: None
Saber Colors: Red


'From the shadows I Judge.'

'Trust not what you see, hear or feel. Trust only the power of the dark side.'

'Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.'

'No matter how hard you beat me..... I will return....'

'I will bring the Sith to Glory.'

Kol Nauz was born on Coruscant, the home planet of the Jedi. He was picked up by the Jedi Order quickly, and apprenticed to Jedi Master Raiden. His life was good, better than most, as he became quite strong in the Force, he easily became a Jedi Knight. As he became older, things changed. Raiden left his apprentice in mission to hunt down and find a Sith Lord. Leaving Kol by himself, Kol remained untrained for several days, until given a new Master. His new Master, Jedi Master Nion; was a powerful Jedi Master, one of the best. Nion trained Kol long and hard, behind close doors, until one day, he pushed Kol to the limit. In frustration, Kol attacked his master, but Nion defeated him easily, seeing that he had gave into his emotions, Nion revealed himself to be the very Sith Lord that his old master went looking for. The Sith offered Kol a once in a lifetime chance, to become more powerful then any Jedi could hope to be, Kol, blinded by the truth, accepted his offer.
When his old Jedi Master Raiden returned, only to find that his apprentice had been deceived and joined the ranks of the Sith. Raiden vowed to make it his mission, to hunt and bring down the Sith Lord who had deceived his apprentice, and bring redemption to his apprentice. Raiden spend years searching for the Sith Lord, using all the resources of the Republic, but without success. He knew in his heart that searching for him would be like searching for a particular grain of sand on Tatooine. Raiden knew little of what the boy endured in his travels or even where he was, but what he did know, was that the name Kol Nauz would soon be forgotten.....

Kol and his new master traveled to the world Byss, the Sith Lord explained that the planets surface held many secrets and places of power. It was strong in the force. For the first few months they lived in a cave on the outskirts of the desolate wasteland where the Sith taught Kol the old ways and made him read long forgotten sith lore and texts. He made Kol undergo trials of will, endurance and resourcefulness and took him to ancient ruins of dark power where he demonstrated old and forgotten force techniques, such as foresight and conjuring illusions. He taught Kol the ways of the force and the history of the true Sith, they visited planets such as Korriban where he learned of the greatest Dark Lords including Marka Ragnos, Naga Sadow and Exar Kun, it was on this planet that he created his first lightsaber with the help of his master.

In his later years, Kol began learning his own force techniques in secret from his master, he had a keen interest in the dark powers of anatomy manipulation, a cruel and ancient torture technique where the Sith could literally crush the internal organs of their victim slowly or quickly, boil their blood to burn them inside out, cause lethal shocks within the brain or cause paralysis. After watching his master for many years he began to realize that he was becoming insane, he held on to the ancient teachings as a Sith master should but his mind was failing him. Kol was eager to join in the War but his master cautioned patience, 'We are from somewhere beyond this futile war, my young Apprentice, from the shadows we must watch and wait'.
They lived this way for many years, until Kol's master taught him how to preserve his life through months of stasis meditation where dark energies of the force would allow the body to live in static whilst the galaxy turns around them. He soon appointed him the name ‘Darth Solus', as he mastered the power of the force and quickly became the most powerful and determined pupil his master had ever seen. The word Solus, meant 'alone', which his master did, by leaving him, and not returning for several months. Now alone, Kol absorbed the knowledge and teachings of the ancient Lords of the Sith for several years, in this time he met others of his kind. His master was a member of a Secret Sith order who called themselves ‘The Bridge’. They performed many duties for this organization, many killings and deaths were wrought in the name of the Sith even though Kol himself knew little about the organization he served apart from what his master told him, 'We are the messengers between two existences'.

Upon their many travels, the last planet they would ever visit together was one of great pain and anguish, it looked as if the force itself was holding it together, perhaps this was the case. Solus and his master arrived on the dark, cold planets surface. His master took a deep breath before coughing violently; age was catching up with him for he had lived far beyond normal years. He pointed through the jagged rocks down at a building which appeared to be a sort of temple with a faint red glow emanating from the columns. 'So close they are but yet so far, one of the greatest doorways to reality since Malachor V, they seek the truth but only the worthy will find the way… the rest will perish in fire and rock'. His master uttered with an eager desperation in his voice. They stood upon a cliff looking down at the temple where Solus could faintly see a women dressed in black walking through the fog up the empty path towards the mysterious superstructure, she stopped just before entering and turned her head slightly to the side as if she could sense the two suddenly, but continued into the temple. His master turned to him, 'Our presence WILL remain hidden, do not let yourself be known to those who feel the force.' But his apprentice only answered with, “You have taught me all you know, you have created a wise and powerful Sith Lord….Well done'.

His master turned his head and gave an angry stare, 'You are not a Sith Lord until….' Without finishing his sentence, Solus ignited his lightsaber into the chest of his former master, only giving his last breaths so he could die with this in mind, 'I have been a Sith Lord for many years, old one, yet you did not have the wit to see it… Now I begin my own path… I can sense the end drawing nigh, and soon the true Sith will be revealed and I will play a large part in the war to come….'

After killing his Master, Solus was fully recognized by this secret order, and as a Sith Lord in his own right. In fact, they were quite relieved; his old master had grown rather insane and threatened the organizations ideals. Darth Solus took his masters place on the Council of the secret order, and served in the name of the True Sith and the Emperor. For years the operations of the True Sith were incredibly successful, it may even be in small part due to their success in manipulating politicians, securing outposts and infiltrating organizations that caused the Emperor to reveal himself so suddenly.
And so it came to pass, the True Sith came to the known part of the Galaxy, Solus would never forget the sight of the Sith ships passing the True Sith's Fleet as they crossed the barrier between the two regions. As Solus and the council watched the invasion they looked at one another, so old and so powerful were the Sith Lords, yet they all knew what the other was thinking, 'We are no longer needed'. It was no difficult task to realise that power must be grabbed by one of them. For the Council is of no use anymore, now that the Sith have revealed themselves, and the private armies of the Emperor would go to the Council, who proves themselves the most powerful. The only question in their minds was who would make the first move… around half a dozen old and powerful Sith Lords waiting anxiously for blood shed… they all must tread very carefully if any of them wish to survive…

Darth Solus stood furthest away from the group, observing outer space but could easily sense the tension, anger and lust for power growing in their minds. He closed his eyes with his back to the Council and focused. His mind shrouded itself in dark energies as he attempted to sense and reach out to the weakest mind of the group. It was not an easy task… they were all very powerful, but he saw a weakness in one, Darth Vannir, and began his attack. Solus used his dark force power of illusion to cloud the Siths mind. Vannir began holding his hands to his head and screaming, the rest of the council looked on cautiously. It was a mental battle that lasted for almost a minute. Darth Vannir shouted in a loud scream with madness in his eyes, 'The Emperor! He is here! He has come to kill us all! We are of no more use to him!' With that said he ignited his lightsaber. The other council members were quick to react and within seconds Darth Vannir was pummeled with 3 separate voltages of Force Lightning until all that was left was a crispy husk. Solus turned to the Council with an eyebrow raised and thought to himself, 'One down, four to go...'
Darth Solus walked closer towards the other council members and looked down at Darth Vannir, who lay a burnt corpse on the cold floor, his red lightsaber still ignited and causing sparks and smoke to emanate from the metallic ground. With the slightest eye movement and not even a gesture from his hand, Solus caused the lightsaber to float into the air and plummet towards the nearest council member slicing his torso in half. At this moment the 3 remaining council members ignited their lightsabers and attacked each other with haste.  Two of them locked themselves in a desperate duel and the other one charged at Solus, in quick succession Solus's lightsaber floated into his hand, ignited and blocked the oncoming attack. With a force push, Solus threw the Sith to the floor, while he was disorientated from the impact of the ground, Solus used this advantage to cast force lightning on his unguarded body. Solus's lightsaber floated back into his robe so he could raise both his hands and give the Sith the full taste of his power. Force lightning, with incredible potency, struck the Sith dead in moments before setting his body aflame.
The smell of burnt flesh filled the room and Solus took a few seconds to observe the 2 remaining Sith who were still locked in a furious duel, oblivious to his presence. Being easy targets, and with no resistance, Darth Solus raised his hands towards the fighting Sith, it was a difficult task to focus his power on not one but two victims simultaneously but the force was strong with him. He closed his eyes filling his thoughts with power and pain, his very mind delved into the bodies of the Sith, he could see their organs, their arteries and their blood. With heavy concentration, Solus focused his dark force energies on their insides and their blood began to boil like acid. The two Sith stopped fighting suddenly and turned their gaze quickly to Solus, but it was too late, they began to scream in pain, but before realising it was all a simple illusion, Darth Solus murdered the two Sith and was the only remaining council member of the secret order….


It had been a few hours since Solus destroyed the Council. However, Solus was too paranoid to stay in the same place for too long and therefore he left, pushing himself to extreme limits to keep himself hidden, using less than pleasant methods to do it. For several months, Solus crept deep within the shadows, until he thought to himself that he was all but alone, as his name meant, Solus, meant, alone. In the darkness of his cave, a man whispered to him, 'I have watched you for a long time.... come with me, and I will complete your training.... I have much use for your talents....', unknown of what to do, Solus accepted the mysterious man's offer, joining him in some dark crusade.....

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